Do you feel that the Second Amendment gives individuals the right to own personal guns for safety and sporting use?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oprah endorses Obama for President...Obama talks about gun control...

For the first time ever, Oprah Winfrey endorses a presidential candidate.  This is the first time she has been publicly involved in politics.  Barack Obama has been on Oprah Winfrey's television show two times in the past.  Some may wonder if this will hurt Oprah's show in any way.  Oprah Winfrey has not had Sarah Palin on her show before and does not plan to until after November 4th, and if anything has hurt her show, it would be this.  The Oprah Show targets women viewers for the most part, so the fact that for the first time in America's history we have a woman running for the Vice President position and Oprah is not supporting her in any way is the reason why her shows ratings have gone down.  Although the ratings for Oprah's television show have decreased somewhat, it still remains as the top talk show in the country.  

When Obama campaigned in Pennsylvania he talked about gun control.  I think that I could summarize what Obama said concerning the matter but stating his own words in my opinion will get his point across more clearly.  So, according to this article, these are Obama's direct words concerning gun control...

"Here's what I believe: that the 2nd Amendment is an individual right and it means something that people have a right to bear arms."

"Their general attitude is...if you even breathe the word gun control or gun safety, then you must want to take away every body's guns.  Well, that's just not true."

"But what we have to understand is that there are two realities about guns in this country.  There's the reality of people who are lawfully and safely using guns for hunting and skeet shooting and protecting their families.  And you've got illegal handguns being dumped in Philadelphia, in the hands of teenage gang-bangers and drug dealers who are wreaking havoc and killing people.  And surely we can come up with a system that protects lawful gun owners but at the same time tries to do something about kids getting shot."


Dr. Frost said...

It seems like Obama is articulating what you said in your implications post that a candidate should be able to do. Is McCain's position similar to Obama's?

It seems to me that most Americans support this position that Obama laid out; that it's the slippery slope logical fallacy (gun control will lead to the government walking into all our houses and taking all our guns)that polarizes people.

ennaeiram said...

It's funny that you asked about McCain's view and whether or not his opinions concerning gun control correlate with Obama's. I have actually been trying to find some current articles or video's that underline McCain's current opinion on the Second Amendment, but I haven't been able to find very many. I'm going to address this situation in my next post...