Do you feel that the Second Amendment gives individuals the right to own personal guns for safety and sporting use?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Wow...this is very interesting...

As I was researching through some Second Amendment arguments, I came across this particular article. This is the first time I have come across an article in which women's rights have been closely linked with the Second Amendment. The writer of the article feels that women's safety will be jeopardized if Barack Obama becomes president. The article suggests that if gun control rights are extremely limited then women will not be able to protect themselves in necessary times, such as the one examined in the article. In today's society, I feel that it is important that women should be able to protect themselves when necessary; whether or not this requires gun use is a different story.

Take the time to look at this article...I am extremely interested to hear your feedback...

Just in case the URL for this article does not work, this is the title of the article so you can google it...Ballistic Obama Supporter Assaults Middle Aged Woman With Stick From Her McCain/Palin Sign


Volt-Air said...

Its horrible that a man can hit a woman with a stick in a major metropolis. We should force women in crowded cities to be packing so an incident like this can never happen again.

Realistically, this fight between political supporters should have never happened. The same thing goes for this modern day chivilrous article. I am all for gun rights, but I can't stand articles like that.

laurel said...

I was sickened by that article. It is true that it is terrible that a man would beat a woman over politics (beat anyone in that matter) but the author of the article made it seem that this one man represented Obama, his campaign, his policies, and everyone who supported him. The author was using this incident as evidence for how Obama was going to oppress women which is simply ignorant - ignorant wouldn't even be the word, I think stupid is more fitting. I don't know how the blogger thought this related to gun control when he/she put it on his blog. Does he think the problem would not have occurred if the woman was carrying a gun and had just killed the guy? Someone needs to seriously rethink his logic.