Do you feel that the Second Amendment gives individuals the right to own personal guns for safety and sporting use?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oprah endorses Obama for President...Obama talks about gun control...

For the first time ever, Oprah Winfrey endorses a presidential candidate.  This is the first time she has been publicly involved in politics.  Barack Obama has been on Oprah Winfrey's television show two times in the past.  Some may wonder if this will hurt Oprah's show in any way.  Oprah Winfrey has not had Sarah Palin on her show before and does not plan to until after November 4th, and if anything has hurt her show, it would be this.  The Oprah Show targets women viewers for the most part, so the fact that for the first time in America's history we have a woman running for the Vice President position and Oprah is not supporting her in any way is the reason why her shows ratings have gone down.  Although the ratings for Oprah's television show have decreased somewhat, it still remains as the top talk show in the country.  

When Obama campaigned in Pennsylvania he talked about gun control.  I think that I could summarize what Obama said concerning the matter but stating his own words in my opinion will get his point across more clearly.  So, according to this article, these are Obama's direct words concerning gun control...

"Here's what I believe: that the 2nd Amendment is an individual right and it means something that people have a right to bear arms."

"Their general attitude is...if you even breathe the word gun control or gun safety, then you must want to take away every body's guns.  Well, that's just not true."

"But what we have to understand is that there are two realities about guns in this country.  There's the reality of people who are lawfully and safely using guns for hunting and skeet shooting and protecting their families.  And you've got illegal handguns being dumped in Philadelphia, in the hands of teenage gang-bangers and drug dealers who are wreaking havoc and killing people.  And surely we can come up with a system that protects lawful gun owners but at the same time tries to do something about kids getting shot."

Monday, October 27, 2008

"Implications" Posting...lets talk about the future!

What is the future of this issue if it remains unresolved?  Well, to begin with, this issue isn't going to be completely solved unless each of the polar sides begins to step out and try to understand where the other side is coming from.  Basically, each side is fighting for one thing; one side is fighting to protect our gun ownership rights and the other side is fighting to protect our safety.  In my opinion, we can achieve both if each side compromises even just a small amount in their beliefs.  I think that individuals should have the right to own a gun, whether this be for sporting use or for safety use, and I believe that individuals can obey certain rules when it comes to owning and using these guns as well.  Also, as far as gun violence among young kids who accidentally get their hands a on a gun, parents need to step up and do a better job at hiding these guns in places where children can not get a hold of these guns.

If this issue remains unsolved, we are going to keep debating it over and over again and the people on each side of the issue are going to keep hating each other.  If each presidential candidate continues to choose a polar side on this issue, then there is going to be a continuous division among presidential candidates in the elections to come.  This issue will not be resolved unless we have some strong leaders who are willing to step up and provide a side to this issue that encompasses both political beliefs.  When it comes down to it, each side is fighting for safety and freedom.  Until we can come to a point where everyone understands this, a division among political parties regarding this issue will continue to cause controversy among the American people.

A New Gun Invention for the elderly?

So, apparently there is a new device called the "Palm Pistol."  This new device is designed to give the elderly and the physically disabled a gun that is easier for them to use.  The idea is that older people do need protection as well as younger people and it is not fair to them if they are unable to operate a regular gun that most average age people are capable of using.  So, the inventors of the Palm Pistol came up with this device to solve the problem.  Take a look!

Oh, and don't forget to check out the hilarious grandma video at the bottom...I'm not exactly sure how this video is even relevant to the new gun invention but it is still worth taking a look at!

Take a look at this video...

I was looking through another gun control blog and I came across this video...I did not know what to expect when I opened the icon but I was quite surprised at what I saw...I would like to hear some feedback on your opinions regarding this video...

Palin attacks Obama on Second Amendment...

Sarah Palin, has I have previously mentioned, has a strong opinion concerning our Second Amendment rights.  As a lifetime member of the NRA, she is definitely in favor of defending the Second Amendment right to bear arms.  Palin directly comes out and nails Obama on gun control rights during an interview on the Scott Hennen Show.  For a topic that has received a limited amount of attention in the current election campaign, I believe that it is good thing to see each candidate's position on this issue.  

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Here's My Theory...

The Second Amendment has proved to be an extremely controversial political issue in our society today.  There are polarized sides to the interpretation of the Second Amendment.  In one hand, most democrats feel that the Second Amendment his giving our military the right to bear arms while most republicans feel that the Second Amendment is protecting an individuals right to bear arms.  Those that want to protect our right to own handguns, feel that if this right were stripped then we would not have a strong means of self defense.  On the other side, people feel that if individuals were not allowed to possess and own handguns within their own homes then the violence in our streets would decrease.  

In my opinion, taking away the right for an individual to own a gun is not going to decrease violence.  The individuals who are obeying the law and using their guns properly should not be penalized for those who misuse guns.  I think that using guns for sporting, hunting, and self defense reasons is  perfectly fine.  This is not to say that I do not think guns should be regulated.  I do agree that when an individual goes to purchase a firearm that they should have to register the gun.  If we want to decrease violence and death rates, we need to examine the reasons behind the shootings instead of trying to keep restricting gun rights.  

It seems to me that the opposing sides of this argument are forgetting to do one thing...they are forgetting to look at what they have in common.  Individuals are at completely different ends of the spectrum when it comes to gun control and if each side were to try to step in a little, they would see that they may actually have more in common then they previously thought.  First, everyone wants to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.  In my opinion, we can come to a compromise with this issue.  I think that it is possible, as shown in the D.C. v. Heller case, to give individuals the right to own guns, while also making it difficult for criminals to get their hands on guns by having strict gun regulation laws.  The D.C. v Heller case has been an extremely important case in the history of the interpretation of the Second Amendment and I think that it provides a perfect example of how it is possible to grant individuals gun rights while also pleasing those against gun control rights by having strict laws regarding who can own these guns.  The D.C. v Heller case is definitely going to be starting base for many gun control cases to come.  This case is definitely pointing the politics behind the Second Amendment in the right direction.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Prefer Videos to Written Text?

For any of you out there who prefer to watch videos rather than read large amounts of text concerning the different topics, then this is just the video for you.  ABC has provided a 5-minute video that incorporates the different views concerning the Second Amendment and the different interpretations regarding this controversial topic.  Take a look...

Taking a look at other blogs...

National Security
I have found the National Security blog to be extremely interesting.  I think that it is amazing how technology can interpret our reactions and through these interpretations our government security is able to pinpoint potential threats to our country.  This blog gives specific examples of national security techniques and how these techniques are implemented in everyday security methods throughout airports.  This blog is extremely thought-provoking and I would encourage others to read this blog because it gives great insight to National Security and topics concerning National Security.  

It's A Green World After All
This particular blog, It's A Green World After All, has caught my attention from the beginning.  To begin with, the title is extremely catchy, I mean I think that almost every American is familiar with the Disney song, "It's a Small World After All."  Anyways, getting past the title, this blog is extremely insightful and applicable to our everyday lives.  I find it so interesting that a small action, such as turning the water off when I brush my teeth, can make such a huge difference in conserving water and helping our environment.  This blog has allowed me to ask myself, "Am I really doing everything I can to conserve water and recycle?"  Most likely, every one's answer is probably no.  After reading this blog, I have become more aware of my own actions and I am more self conscious about throwing things away and recycling.  I have a strong appreciation for this particular blog, because even though recycling and water conservation don't seem extremely important, they really are and this blog does a great job at pointing this out.  I look forward to reading the upcoming posts!

Re-energize Tired Earth
I have found this blog to be extremely interesting.  I am definitely one of those people that believes in finding alternate energy sources.  I think that we should take care of our Earth so that it will be useful and beneficial for decades to come.  However, this blog provides an interesting perspective to the energy issue.  I learned that although we would love to be able to use tons of different energy sources, this is not as easy as it sounds.  In order to find alternate energy sources, the government would have to use large amounts of money to fund such projects.  It is almost illogical to use tons of other energy sources because of the negative effects such as large money costs.  This blog has provided me with an interesting perspective that I was unaware is definitely worth taking a look at.

Monday, October 20, 2008

What Does Barack Think?

It has been extremely hard to determine exactly Barack Obama's opinions concerning the Second Amendment.  Obama has previously said that he does not intend on taking all guns out of the hands of Americans.  However, this article suggests otherwise...Take a look for yourself!! 

If the link doesn't try googling "One the Second Amendment, Don't Believe Obama!"

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The NRA endorses McCain and Palin

On Thursday, October 9th, the NRA officially endorsed John McCain and Sarah Palin. The article discusses McCain and Palin and their devote devotion to gun control rights. According to the article, John McCain has voted pro-gun and pro-hunting for two decades. The article also points out that Sarah Palin is a gun owner, hunter, and lifetime member of the NRA.

According the information given, Barack Obama has a record of opposition to gun rights. Cox says, "Obama has voted to make self-defense with a firearm in the home illegal, has voted to ban the most commonly owned hunting shotguns, has voted to ban commonly owned hunting ammunition, and has supported a 500% tax increase on guns and ammunition. We will remind voters every single time he pretends that his anti-gun record doesn't exist."

Wow...this is very interesting...

As I was researching through some Second Amendment arguments, I came across this particular article. This is the first time I have come across an article in which women's rights have been closely linked with the Second Amendment. The writer of the article feels that women's safety will be jeopardized if Barack Obama becomes president. The article suggests that if gun control rights are extremely limited then women will not be able to protect themselves in necessary times, such as the one examined in the article. In today's society, I feel that it is important that women should be able to protect themselves when necessary; whether or not this requires gun use is a different story.

Take the time to look at this article...I am extremely interested to hear your feedback...

Just in case the URL for this article does not work, this is the title of the article so you can google it...Ballistic Obama Supporter Assaults Middle Aged Woman With Stick From Her McCain/Palin Sign

A Change of Topic...Nationalizing the Banks...

There is a financial crisis in the United States. The government is coordinating a plan to get the economy back on track. A plan was made. The United States will use a portion, $250 billion, of the $700 billion bailout money to implement this plan. The U.S. will purchase equity shares to inject capital into banks. This new capital will help strengthen financial institutions. It will allow banks to provide loans for large and small businesses.

This will fill holes caused by financial crisis. This is a short term measure to insure viability of America’s banking system. This will take effect immediately. Banks have been unable to borrow money. When money flow is more freely among banks, more Americans can borrow money to buy homes and other necessities.

The FDIC will expand government insurance to cover all non interest bearing accounts. These accounts are used for everyday actions among small businesses. This insurance will bring small banks a piece of mind. This will bring greater stability to the banking system.

The Federal Reserve will soon finalize work on a new program to serve as a buyer of last resort for commercial paper. The Federal Reserve will help American businesses meet payroll and purchase inventory and invest to create jobs. Each of these new programs contains safeguards to protect taxpayers.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Some people get a little crazy with their opinions concerning Gun Control...

Let's Analyze the Situation...

The controversy concerning the Second Amendment has been a continuous debate for many years. Although the Second Amendment gives individuals, "a right to bear arms," the interpretation of these words is where the debate lies. Many people interpret this amendment to mean that individuals have a right to own guns, as a mean for sporting use and self defense, and that the state and local governments should not have the ability to take away this right.

Others, however, feel that the Second Amendment is giving those in the military the right to possess guns and that personal gun ownership should be extremely limited. The debate also lies within each level of government and whose ability it is to enforce and interpret this law. Some feel that this is a law that should be interpreted by the national government, while others feel that this is a law that the state and local governments should have the ability to interpret and enforce. This has become such a controversial issue because as crime and violence rates continue to rise, it seems like the obvious answer would be to limit the use of firearms. However, should we be limiting the use of guns to those who use them correctly? Is it really fair to take away an individuals right when they have done nothing but obey the law?

In my opinion, I do not think this is fair. Through my interpretation of the Second Amendment and cases concerning the Second Amendment, I have come to the conclusion that this amendment was written so that each individual's freedom to own and properly use a gun would not be taken away. However, I am not saying that there should not be any laws regarding the use of guns. I personally feel that gun registration is important so that our government can keep track of specific weapons and so that our government can keep guns out of the hands of young children and teenagers. This has proved to be an important issue in the 2008 election due to the downward spiral of America's economy. With the economy being in such bad shape, the crime rate and theft rate have skyrocketed. In my hometown there has been more robberies and break-ins than ever before. People are losing their jobs and loosing money and they are becoming desperate for ways to stay financially stable. With an unstable economy that is pushing people to find money desperately, it is important for individuals to have personal guns as a means for self defense. If someone breaks into a home, how will the family protect themselves without having some type of weapon to use? Gun control is an extremely important issue that can have great effects so it is extremely important for each individual to form their own opinions regarding this issue and truly find out for themselves which candidate supports their opinions concerning the matter.

It is very clear the position John McCain and Sarah Palin have taken on the Gun Control Issue. Sarah Palin believes in our Second Amendment right to bear arms. She thoroughly explains her views to Charlie Gibson on ABC. She is a life-time member of the NRA and feels strongly about our Second Amendment right to own guns. She talks about how it is apart of the culture in Alaska who rely on guns for self protection, sporting use, and for hunting use. Palin argues that those who misuse guns are not going to stop misusing guns if the government starts to put even more and more laws on gun use and ownership. In her opinion, it is not fair to take guns out of the hands of people who use them correctly.

John McCain agrees with the ruling of the District of Columbia vs. Heller Case regarding the Second Amendment. Therefore, it is clear that McCain interprets the Second Amendment to mean that individuals have the right to bear arms. Obviously, sense the Supreme Court made the final decision, John McCain feels that it is the National Government's role to interpret the Second Amendment and what it means for each individual.

However, Barack Obama was not aware of the details of this case, and therefore was unable to form his stance on this particular issue. This case, which was currently under Supreme Court ruling at the time, is one of the most important cases involving the interpretation of the Second Amendment. I find it hard to believe that Barack Obama can thoroughly form an opinion on gun control and what the Second Amendment means to Americans without knowing what is currently taking place in the Supreme Court regarding gun control.

From the information he has provided on this topic, Senator Barack Obama does not intend on taking guns out of the hands of Americans. Yet, he does intend on placing several laws on an individual's right to bear arms and Obama does have gun control groups to support him. Barack also argues that it is the right of the state and local governments to constrain these rights and control how guns are used. Charlie Gibson asks Barack if he believes there should be mandatory registration for all guns. Obama does not directly answer this question which makes his view and stance on gun control unclear. Barack appeals to the "sportsmen" crowd by stating that he feels that it is important for many Americans to be able to fish, hunt, and take their kids out to teach them how to use a gun. However, the NRA (Natioanl Rifle Association) is doing everything in their power to put down Obama. There are also many people who feel that Obama is "trying to destroy the Second Amendment." I would not interpret Obama's statements concerning Gun Control to mean he is literally trying to take every individuals right to own a gun away, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Another outlook...District of Columbia v. Heller
District of Columbia v. Heller

District of Columbia v. Heller

The District of Columbia v. Heller is an important Supreme Court case in the background history of the Second Amendment.  This case was argued on March 18, 2008 and a decision was made on June 26, 2008.  The District of Columbia law prohibits people from carrying an unregistered firearm and prohibits them from registering handguns.  The law says that no person may carry an unregistered handgun, but the police chief is allowed to issue 1-year licenses.  However, even if a person has a 1-year license, all their firearms must be unloaded and dissembled or bound by a trigger lock at all times.  A special policeman, Respondent Heller, applied to register a handgun of his that he wished to keep at home.  His registration was denied by the District.  Respondent Heller responded to this refusal by filing a suit that the Second Amendment does in fact protect our right to private gun ownership.  The District Court dismissed the suit, but the D.C. Circuit reversed the decision, determining that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess firearms.  The D.C. Circuit felt that the District Courts decision to have a total ban on handguns and their idea to have a requirement that firearms in the home be kept nonfunctional was violating our rights in the Second Amendment.  The final decision was by the D.C. Circuit saying that we as individuals have the right to possess firearms, due to the Second Amendment.  

I completely agree with the outcome of this case.  In my opinion, the Second Amendment is basically saying that we as individuals have the right to own and possess a licensed firearm.  I think that the Second Amendment allows us to have a personal gun as a means for self defense so that we can feel safe within our own homes.
Interesting Article

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Here's the Deal...

Legal scholars and citizens of the Unites States continue to disagree about the true meaning behind the United States Second Amendment: Our right to bear arms. On one end of the spectrum, scholars feel that it is only the secluded right of members of the militia to possess firearms. On the other end of the spectrum, scholars feel that it is an individuals right to gun ownership.

With the rising violence in today's society, the debate over the rhetoric of the Second Amendment continues to take place. Basically, it comes down to the fact that the authors of the Second Amendment were not as clear in their wording as our government would have liked. Was this amendment created to protect the right of individuals to own firearms or was it to ensure that our military have the necessary weapons to maintain a strong defense?


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.