Do you feel that the Second Amendment gives individuals the right to own personal guns for safety and sporting use?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Links posting...

I have used numerous websites to conduct my research for this blog so it has been hard to narrow it down to the most important links.  I have included the most informative websites that are extremely helpful in understanding this political issue. 

The first website is the "GunCite: gun control and Second Amendment issues."  This site is extremely informative because it gives insight to practically every aspect of the gun control issue.  This site is laid out in a way that is easy to navigate, making it extremely easy to assess information on a wide array of characteristics surrounding the issue.  Next, this site provides a multitude of accurate evidence that supports the claims made throughout the different informative sections.  Finally, as it reads at the top, this site is always under construction which shows the reader that the site is up to date and current with any new information regarding gun control.  

The second site that I used and found to be extremely informative was Barack Obama's webpage.  I did not realize this website was so beneficial until I reached the end of this blog project.  I wish I would have looked into Barack's site at the beginning of this project because his site gives specific details concerning his views on individual political issues.  There is a section on his site that talks about guns and his views concerning gun rights that clearly outlines his opinion on this issue.  I think that it is important to observe first hand each candidate's view on certain political issues because sometimes when we here information through other sources it is not accurate.

Finally, one of the other extremely informative website I have used throughout my research for gun control has been the Blogrunner website on "Gun Control." This site is different from most blogs in that there isn't an actual author who continues to post blogs daily.  This site consists of articles, documents, and other information that relates directly to gun control.  The site is updated almost every hour with new information.  I have used this site as a crucial part in maintaining the current information concerning gun control.

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